Friday, February 23, 2007

My thoughts on the subject:

" they decided to pull 'it'..." "It" refers to a thing, not a person or persons. And in the same context, "... And we watched the building come down." He knew what he was saying, and he said, literally, that they purposefully and willfully brought the building down, in 6.75 seconds, in a controlled demolition. It is an irrefutable scientific fact. If they were talking about Firemen, he would have said, "pull them".

Larry Silverstein may well be the fall guy as soon as Loose Change hits theatres... probably this summer. Mr. Dick Cheney and his shadow government, as explained by John W. Dean, in his book, Worse Than Watergate, and the Pentegon, are responsible for the false flag operation of 9/11, and the illegal war on the sovereign nation of Iraq, where 14 permanent bases have been built for the purpose of invading Iran.

The newly elected officials in our Government, of the People and for the People and by the People, will be replaced if they do not put these criminals on trial. They themselves will be held criminally complicit, as will their replacements, and their replacements, until this country becomes as our founding fathers have intended; A free nation of people governing themselves, not owned by foreign investors and dishonest bankers and the so-called free market that siphones is trillions from the poor and the middle class to feed its greed, its powermongering, and monster egos. We're 300 million strong. No military in the world can stand up to that. Let your elected officials know that they are our employees, and if they don't do the will of the people, we will replace them. Let the disinformationists talk; just ignore them. Let them say what they choose, but give them no quarrel, nor satisfaction. Fools only bring mocking.

--Proverbs 18:6
A fool's lips bring him strife, and his mouth invites a beating.

Carbon based fires don't collapse steel structured buildings.

The Madrid Skyscraper Fire

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Sunday 13 February 2005
Firefighters shot jets of water onto one of Madrid's tallest office buildings this morning, fighting to control a blaze that burned all night and threatened to bring down the 32-story skyscraper.

"We are battling Madrid's most important fire in its history," said mayor Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon speaking from the scene at about 9am (0800GMT).

"The situation right now is still of high risk," he added, 10 hours after fire engulfed the Windsor Building in the heart of Madrid's business and banking district. "It will take hours until this fire is declared under control."

With morning light, the damage from the spectacular blaze that lit up the night and attracted thousands of onlookers was evident. The top floors were little more than charred steel twisted into destroyed shapes. Everything else was burned away.

Amazingly, a construction crane remained perched on the roof.

Roads for two to three blocks in all directions were closed off to traffic, including the main north-south artery Castellana boulevard. Fire trucks, emergency and police vehicles blocked the intersections, while service was curtailed on three subway lines that ran below or near the building.

A filmy soot covered nearby sidewalks and buildings, and a smell of burnt metal hung in the air.

The dirty white smoke that poured upward from the building was visible from several kilometres (miles) away.
There were no reported injuries except for three firefighters who suffered smoke inhalation and exhaustion. At its peak, temperatures reached 800 degrees Celsius (1,472 F), said Javier Sanz, head of Madrid firefighters, on Sunday.

Against the night sky, bright orange flames shot out the sides and top of building, producing thick columns of black smoke. At about 3 am (0200GMT), at least six of the upper floors collapsed in a shower of flaming metal debris.
The building, reportedly the fourth largest in Madrid, was believed unoccupied when the fire broke out.

The cause was not immediately determined, though emergency services spokesman Javier Ayuso said firefighters think it may have been an electrical short circuit.

Police evacuated a nearby apartment building and hosed down neighbouring office buildings to keep the fire from spreading.

Most of the Windsor Building, about 106 metres (350 feet) high, housed offices of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, a multinational financial services company. The fire appeared to start about three-quarters of the way up the building.

As the fire burned into the night, all that was visible of the upper parts of the building was the flaming, gutted remains of steel-reinforced concrete floors.

Construction of the Windsor Building began in 1973 and was completed in 1979. The shiny gold building was a landmark structure in Madrid's business district. The building had been surrounded with scaffolding due to recent repairs.

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So... um... ya. Carbon fires don't bring buildings down... controlled demolitions do. It's not a theory, it's an irrefutable fact.